Best Lengua (Tongue) Taco San Jose
“Super Taco Lengua”
La Victoria Taqueria
140 E San Carlos St San Jose, CA 95112 (6 locations)
This is what the perfect taco is…a symphony of ingredients and flavors creating a perfect bite. It’s a bit crispy, savory, acidic, smoky….ahhhh. I like a “wet” taco and La Vics delivers. I prefer guacamole to avocado slices because I get a more perfect bite every time. I love that they grill their tortillas a bit and melt the cheese on the bottom. And the salsa plus the orange sauce take it all over the top. Few people have even tried the lengua. The chicken or carnitas are fine too but the tender beefy cubes of slow simmered lengua are a hidden secret. Forget it is tongue and take the plunge. Don’t hate me for picking a really popular chain for my taco. There’s a line for a reason people.
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