Best Scampi Silicon Valley
“Prawns Meunière”
La Foret
21747 Bertram Rd San Jose, CA 95120 (Alamden)
You have to drive WAY out to old Almaden to find San Jose’s best French Restaurant. New owners came in a few years back and gave the place a needed face lift. But the cook staff remain as do most of their classic dishes. You can order anything and be very pleased. They are masters of sauces. Your waiter may try to steer you to the grilled prawns with balsamic vinegar for an appetizer. You will love that too. But my go to is their Prawns Meunière. It’s just a simple Scampi but the sauce is just amazing and perfect. Garlic, wine lemon, and I suspect a reduced shrimp stock. Use the hot sourdough bread to sop up all the remaining broth. You might order it again as the main course!
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